President and Portfolio Manager
David Yucius, Jr., is the founder and majority owner of Aurora Investment Counsel. His investment career began in 1990. Prior to founding Aurora in 1995, David was the exclusive portfolio manager and research analyst for Randy Seckman and Associates. Before that, he managed an investment consulting business as Vice President for Keogler, Morgan Company, a regional brokerage firm in Atlanta.
Previously, Mr. Yucius, Jr., worked for Independence Investment Associates, a pension investment firm, as well with Scudder Mutual Funds in Boston, MA. David’s expertise has been quoted in The New York Times, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution and Bloomberg News, among others.
“A stock’s price follows a company’s earnings,” David said. “Screening the investable universe in search of strong and consistent earnings growth is a logical first step in our process. Ensuring that qualifying stocks that further pass our screens have stock prices commensurate with these earnings is a logical way to avoid risk from overpriced stocks.”
“Our Growth at A Reasonable Price” discipline ensures that any stock passing our screens has advantaged growth simultaneous with discounted valuation.”
David believes in supporting youth development and has mentored through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Atlanta and coached youth basketball teams.
David is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). He has been a CFA Atlanta board member, education committee chair, and CFA review course instructor. He is also an active member in the Atlanta Society of Financial Analysts.
He earned a B.S.B.A. in Finance and Management from Northeastern University in Boston.

President and Portfolio Manager
David Yucius, Jr., is the founder and majority owner of Aurora Investment Counsel. His investment career began in 1990. Prior to founding Aurora in 1995, David was the exclusive portfolio manager and research analyst for Randy Seckman and Associates. Before that, he managed an investment consulting business as Vice President for Keogler, Morgan Company, a regional brokerage firm in Atlanta.
Previously, Mr. Yucius, Jr., worked for Independence Investment Associates, a pension investment firm, as well with Scudder Mutual Funds in Boston, MA. David’s expertise has been quoted in The New York Times, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution and Bloomberg News, among others.
“A stock’s price follows a company’s earnings,” David said. “Screening the investable universe in search of strong and consistent earnings growth is a logical first step in our process. Ensuring that qualifying stocks that further pass our screens have stock prices commensurate with these earnings is a logical way to avoid risk from overpriced stocks.”
“Our Growth at A Reasonable Price” discipline ensures that any stock passing our screens has advantaged growth simultaneous with discounted valuation.”
David believes in supporting youth development and has mentored through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Atlanta and coached youth basketball teams.
David is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). He has been a CFA Atlanta board member, education committee chair, and CFA review course instructor. He is also an active member in the Atlanta Society of Financial Analysts.
He earned a B.S.B.A. in Finance and Management from Northeastern University in Boston.